July 30, 2015

From Trash to Treasure!

This is what I love to do best...find objects that other people are discarding (or selling at garage sales!) and paint on them.
This is a little cast iron skillet (for eggs I think) that I painted with a Debbie Toews pattern.

July 24, 2015

This is what's bloomin' around here...

The garden is doing very well this year, but the flowers seem to be quite a bit advanced compared to last year. I hope there will be a few flowers left for some fair entries.


Seriously...have you ever seen a white & pink spider before...yuck!!!

July 23, 2015

Finding a New Purpose in Life

One thing I love to do is rescue discarded objects and try to give them a new purpose in life. I have been painting saw blades forever, and my stash just doesn't seem to get any smaller!!! I know, eh, how does that happen! Anyways, this is the last one that I painted, it is a spring design with a little lilac bush in full bloom.

Gonna give it a try...

Well I thought I would like to give blogging a try...why not!

I would like to use this blog as an outlet for my creativity and also just to keep you all in the loop of what I am up to, painting and otherwise. So I hope you will be patient with me as I learn how to blog ... I have a feeling that I will need some teenage advice from the kiddos ... but here we go!